[VIDEO] Smoove Feat. Jehst, Micall Parknsun & DJ Jazz T - Fresh Pair

Fresh Pair - Smoove Feat. Jehst, Micall Parknsun & DJ Jazz T from Sole Heaven on Vimeo.

Local legend Smoove takes a break from his critic-killing soul duet with vocalist Turrell to deliver this excellent track featuring the alphabetical acrobatics of Jehst and Micall Parknsun. With an excellent video from Nick Light, and keys from Mike Porter, this is a must buy.


As we've got DEKAY at Speakeasy this Friday, We thought we'd post this recent battle between local lad Deffinition and the lady herself, Dekay. This is a hilarious battle. Tickets for Friday from Skiddle.com if you wanna see Suus bring it to Dekay on home turf...